Photographers don’t play the comparison game
Hello photographer.
I originally had all these thoughts to write about this morning and now that I’m here writing all I can do is reflect. I’m reflecting on what seems like yesterday. Believe it or not five years ago I went into a camera store thinking I would become a professional photographer by purchasing one. I remember holding this black object thinking I could take on the world!
One thing that lingered over the years as I grew to know this little camera of mine was words that would seem to resonate their place in my heart. “You will never make it in this business”. “There’s to many photographers doing the same thing”. “You don’t know how to run a business”.
Those words began to echo in a way that consumed me for years. Then there was the comparison game, and we all do it, you know what I’m talking about. The I want to throw my camera out the window because everything else I see is pretty game! Oh, and theres the “my pictures don’t look like so and so”. Countless times I would think “Why can’t they just look like that”. They were never meant to because I am only me.
It wasn’t until I stopped comparing myself, stopped looking at everything else, and I started loving myself. I truly started seeing a difference in my journey. I could spend hours playing that comparison game. The truth is I am only me, no one else can be me, I am smart, I am funny, I love people, and I love my job. I couldn’t see that before because I was focused on the comparison, and an opinion of what I couldn’t do rather than what I could do.
I said ENOUGH! I said I WILL and I DID!
If your reading this and you feel this same way. LOVE YOURSELF! I’m not talking about being conceded here. I’m talking about genuinely loving the person you are because you are amazing! There’s no one like you! You are worthy! You are beautiful! You are talented! You are loved! You are worth investing in! LOVE YOURSELF!
When you start letting go of your negativity and focus on what is positive your outlook will change. If your not where you want to be ask yourself why. Most likely the problem is fear, comparison, and those words that are deep rooted into your heart that someone once said.
Do what makes your heart happy and focus on you! Everyone’s journey is different. We all have goals and dreams, the only way to reach them is to LET GO, LOVE YOURSELF, and LIVE. Part of owning your own business is FAITH and believe me mine has grown since I decided to leave my 9 to 5. I wouldn’t trade any of my journey, because what I know now is that I’m a stronger person from all my experiences.
I’ve always heard you have to travel through darkness to see the light, and believe me I’ve been through darkness. Oh! How I’ve cried over this little business of mine because I wanted this so bad! The only thing that stopped me all those years was myself.
Hello photographer… Love yourself! There’s no one else like you! You are talented! You are the only one that can be you, and you are enough!
With love,
Thank you Amanda Watson Photography for taking this picture of me 🙂
For more photography tips click here!

I needed this today so badly, I had one of those rough weeks where I felt super discouraged in my business and just wanted to quit!
Thanks for sharing!
I needed this today so badly, I had one of those rough weeks where I felt super discouraged in my business and just wanted to quit!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Katherine! I’m glad this lifted you up!