March 7, 2019
I was 23 the last time I sat with foiled hair in the salon chair. I was an adamant goer like clockwork. Every 3-4 weeks I was having the gray colored. It all started when I was 17. It felt like a daily change in color once I hit 20. With every day that passed another strand would turn.
The comments were the worst. With words and phrases like, “wow, how old are you”, “you’ve got a lot of gray” and “why don’t you dye your hair”, “you would look your age if you dyed your hair”. I could go on, but you get the point.
Every time I would dye my hair my scalp felt like it was on fire, in some cases, I would wake up with scabs on my scalp. My hair grew like crazy, it always has. Every few weeks I kept going, I continued to go, because my thoughts about what others would think haunted my mind.
I decided to write this, for every woman that’s ever said to me, “I wish I could do that”, “I don’t think I would be pretty with gray hair”. Every time I hear those words I get so sad, because you girls just don’t know how beautiful you are! Regardless if you dye your hair or not, you are so special!
This post isn’t about whether it’s right or wrong to dye the gray. This post is about empowering those that are ready but scared to let it go. After all, it’s just hair. You’ve got so much more to offer this world than worrying about that.
How I transitioned my hair
I’m sure all the hairstylist are going to cringe, but this worked for me. I also want to add this is probably not the right way, but it was my way. That’s why I’ve chosen to share my journey with you.
When I decided to embrace the gray. I colored my hair one last time with permanent dye at the salon. At the time I had blonde highlights (can you imagine this, scary). The transition started with me dying my hair at home with semi permanent hair dye from Nice’n Easy. I am laughing out loud, because I never thought I’d be writing about my box hair dye escapades ha ha.
Nice’n Easy was the only thing that didn’t leave my scalp on fire! It didn’t smell as bad either. I also wouldn’t leave it on for as long as the box recommended. I got so “fancy” I even bought a mixing bowl and brush for the treatment (I’m still laughing). I will say, finding the “right” color was a little challenging. No horror stories to tell, other than the one time I went to dark and looked like Elvira because I’m so pale. Anyway, I survived! I got really good at the semi permanent dye job.
I also cut my hair shorter. It’s so much easier to chop off the previous permanent color. Combining that with dying my hair with Nice’n Easy every 3 weeks was my saving grace with this transition. It was nothing fancy, but it worked! I felt free and relieved when it was fully transitioned (it took about a year). The thought of not having to sit in that chair anymore felt so AMAZING!
If you’ve been thinking about letting the dye go, it’s really been the best thing I’ve ever done! I had hesitations for sure. My main concern was that everyone would think I let myself go. Honestly who really cares about “everyone” anyway?
Within the past 2 years I’ve noticed a positive turn in the way society views embracing gray. I’m happy to say I no longer get negativity the way I used to about being 31 with gray hair, it’s actually a positive response.
If you decide to start this journey and you need a friend, send me a message! You got this!
With love,
P.S. Please forgive me that I don’t have progress photos from this little adventure. That would have been super helpful, but at the age of 24 I didn’t really think about that, or even plan on blogging about the experience. So that’s why I included me frolicking around downtown Chicago trying to act like Carrie Bradshaw 😉 ha ha. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be a Carrie, but it was fun, and this dress from Anthropologie is one of my favorites! Let me know if you want to borrow it for your pictures :).
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Love this! I am in the process of going gray on purpose actually. I think it’s so freeing and I’m so happy to see this trend of women being their authentic selves taking off! Thanks for sharing!
Aww thank you so much! I’m happy to see other women doing the same!